Home Education

If you’re educated from home and aiming to achieve the best possible grades in your English GCSE or iGCSE, you’ve come to the right place. My English tutoring services are perfect for any and all home-educated Key Stage 3/4 students looking to achieve a terrific grade in a qualification such as an iGCSE.

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Learning and studying with me, you’ll receive personalised lesson plans and individual attention focused on the needs unique to you as a student. We can work around your schedule, giving you the opportunity to work at a time that suits you.

My tutoring methods are derived from a burning passion for the subject of English, and this is something I hope can rub off on all of my tutees.

Then, whatever your end goals are, together we can ensure your skills are perfectly refined to achieve success in an exam-based environment.

Woman in Black Tank Shirt Facing a Black Laptop Computer on Brown Wooden Round Table

Why choose an iGCSE?

An iGCSE qualification is internationally recognised qualification, acting as an ideal gateway to studying at a higher education institution in the UK. They are the most popular qualification in the world for international students aged 14-16.

Are you a home-educated student seeking private English tutoring to achieve the best possible results? Book lessons with me today to get started.


1:1 Tutoring

  • 1 live hourly bespoke tutorial per week
  • Recording of the above for revision purposes
  • Material provided including free revision books if required and past papers
  • One free mock exam per term (usually £30)
  • Option for homework set and marked


Contact with me in between tutorials should any questions arise

Cost: £60 per hour


Looking for an English tutor you can count on?

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Fill in the contact form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!